Stand Out And Rise


Where Self-Expression Meets Integrity!

"Creating A New Generation of Leaders"

Welcome To


Where creativity meets integrity

S.O.A.R. America was created for the gifted, the displaced, the unsupported, lost, overly shy, abused, and fostered youth (between the ages of 16-25) interested in pursuing the Performing Arts.

This program is designed to assist in discovering one's gifts and talents, purpose, building healthy self-esteem and confidence, providing direction, and guidance, and helping create a path to achieve your greatest potential in life through your talents & gifts.

We desire to help you discover the greatness within yourself, so that you may be able to eventually share that greatness with the world in the manner you were created to.

*This is a God-based (non-religious) program.

The Program: S.O.A.R. America

Our program was designed to support the building of healthy self-esteem and provide support, guidance, and tools to succeed. If you're struggling with understanding and owning your gifts & talents or trying to get them out into the world, this is the perfect place to start. Talent alone is not enough.

There are many facets to the Arts & Entertainment industry. Knowing who you are and what you want is key!

If you are suffering from self-doubt or depression, or have had thoughts of hopelessness, helplessness, and/or suicide, please consider taking this course.

This course was created specifically with you in mind. Too often, gifted youth go unnoticed, passed over, discounted, or not taken seriously in their struggle, and depression turns to suicidal thoughts. It is proven that when you are engaged in activities you enjoy, you are more likely to develop self-confidence, hope, and self-value. While discovering your gifts, creating a vision for the foreseeable future, and having a plan to achieve it with the support and guidance you need, you CAN overcome it all!

Our Vision

Our Vision is to positively impact the Music, Arts & Entertainment industries by Creating A New Generation of Leaders – Where Creative Expression Meets Integrity! Transforming the lives of youth by providing tools and hope to the new generation allowing them to see themselves, their lives, their future, and others in an entirely new & positive light thereby profoundly impacting their creative expression, which will ultimately impact the world.
Our vision is that S.O.A.R. America artists are the new standard, setting precedence for excellence and integrity in their work, and where other artists and professionals seek out S.O.A.R. America graduates for the excellence they embody and represent in all their work. Being that artists express what their inner reality is, it is no wonder how the industry became what it is today. By positively impacting the self-worth, hope, and guidance of our up-and-coming artists, we will profoundly impact the trajectory of our world through the Arts, one soul at a time.


Our Mission at S.O.A.R. (Stand Out And Rise ) America is to heal the hearts and minds of the youth interested in the performing arts who have been affected by homelessness, displaced or broken families, foster care, or poverty by building positive self-worth through education and guidance.
The S.O.A.R. America program also parallels as a Youth Suicide Prevention Program providing youth something positive to focus on, discussing various topics pertaining to depression and overcoming it, and helping them discover and focus on their gifts and dreams, providing support and tools to succeed in life.
Often highly gifted youth go unnoticed, talents lie dormant and untapped from lack of support, guidance, knowledge, and self-esteem, or often the individual simply does not know how to navigate in the world and therefore gets lost in the trenches. S.O.A.R. America is a resource for the gifted, the wounded, and the lost souls, support for the unseen, and undeveloped, and guidance for the untapped, dormant talented artists.

We believe the creative arts are God's gift and tool for man to overcome, succeed, heal, teach, and SOAR! Stand Out and Rise America!

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he grows old he will not depart from it.”

Call to action

We are building our Betterment of Music And Arts Youth Center (BMAC) in Las Vegas, NV. We are seeking financial donors and monetary volunteers who would like to get in on the ground level and partner with us in profoundly impacting the Music & Arts industry, positively training up a new generation of leaders who will need guidance, training, and support. These youth and young adults may be in or recently out of the foster care system, displaced from their homes or families, or have no support system. We need you.
Please reach out.